Welcome friends, family, fellow students, and future me! In this, the inaugural post of my "England Adventure," we will briefly discuss the author's preparation to leap the Pond and begin a journey in the U.K.
Hello, and welcome to my thoughts! This is a dedicated journal of my activities while I go abroad to the UK and France for my 2014 Study Abroad!
Tomorrow begins the 12 hour gauntlet of flight after flight as I make my way to Kingston University and begin my journey. There, I'll study alongside many other students from around the world, examining the British way of life the best way possible - by immersing myself in their culture for no less than four experience-packed weeks. A highlight for both myself, and you the reader, will undoubtedly be the uniquely British class titled "Muggle Madness," which will follow along the path of the Wonderful World of Harry Potter, as well as other famous British fiction.
This first entry marks the very beginning of my adventure, and appropriately my fears of traveling so very far. However, Ill take on the journey with an open mind, and I will always remember the infamous British meme:
Ohh, this is going to be good.
- The Indomitable Tyler
- The Indomitable Tyler
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